Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hill's® Science Diet® Ideal Balance™ Cat Food - Review + FREE Bag with Rebate


I was recently given the opportunity to try the All New Hill's® Science Diet® Ideal Balance™ Cat Food! I opted for the Grain Free version - as I have been trying to feed my feline friend - as healthy food as possible!

Here's what happened when I fed it to my Cat:
As soon as the food arrived I was very excited to try it! My cat is VERY Picky. I left out her regular dish of cat food and added a second dish with some of the new food in it. Of course she walks up & gives me the ... What? You want me to eat that? look... She sniffed it, pawed it & eventually took 1 tiny little piece out of the bowl and walked away. I thought we were doomed. Needless to say - I walked out of the room, only see her go back & eat the rest of it! So, I did the same thing the next day - and she ate the Hill's Science Diet again! I think we have a winner!

Interested in trying it Yourself?
Check out this competitive comparison tool on hillspet.com/idealbalance - which helps pet owners compare their current food to Ideal Balanceand then download the free bag rebate!

Follow Hill's Science Diet on Facebook

Disclosure:  I received the above product free of charge and was not required to write a review. The above opinions and experiences are my own. See my Full Disclosure Policy.